Rescue services as well as fire and disaster protection are fundamental components of public services of general interest. In recent years, in particular rescue services have increasingly become the focus of legal disputes, as private service providers are entering the market. In addition, the economic pressure on public authorities is increasing due to rising healthcare costs and the already strained financial situation of many local authorities. Nevertheless, it is essential to keep everything technically and medically up to date. We support you in the procurement of rescue services (emergency rescue, patient transport, air rescue, emergency medical care), vehicles (rescue service and fire department) and other equipment (medical products, IT hardware and software, digital radio, etc.), as well as construction and architectural services in connection with the construction of rescue and fire stations, and work with you to design your procurement and selection procedures.
In the area of public services of general interest, European requirements must be harmonised with federal law and – in many cases conflicting – state law. Unfortunately, it is not just about individual regulations or laws. Public authorities and organizations with security tasks (BOS) operate in cross-sectional areas. We ensure that the cross-section does not lead into the Bermuda Triangle and support you in approval procedures for ambulance and emergency rescue services as well as in all questions relating to financing and remuneration (including the law on fees).
In order to be able to meet the requirements of the complex mix of issues involved in the activities of BOS, it is necessary to examine specific problems comprehensively from various perspectives. We have been pursuing a sector-specific, cross-legal and cross-disciplinary approach for years. For this purpose, we combine our legal expertise in the fields of emergency response, public procurement, labour and public commercial law. If required, we can also call on highly qualified specialist advisors from our network at any time. We are therefore in a position to provide you with optimal support for upcoming legislative projects or consultation procedures, to assess and evaluate your individual rescue service structures and to carry out risk analyses at an early stage. In your interest, everything always serves the goal of developing not only legally compliant, but above all practicable solutions. After all, the fulfilment of tasks is the primary priority when it comes to public services.
We support public authorities (federal states, districts, independent cities, professional fire departments, rescue service companies, institutions under public law and special-purpose associations) as well as service providers on all issues relating to the fulfillment of the security mandate in emergency response. This includes disputes between service providers and public authorities, contract amendments and adjustments, the liability of rescue service and fire department personnel in the context of official liability or in the internal relationship with the authorized representative, compliance, the competencies of non-medical personnel, comprehensive advice on employment and labour law (also at the interface between public service and civil service law), but also the establishment, restructuring or spin-off of rescue service companies, in-house operations and companies or institutions under public law.
What we do.
Who we work for.