Partner / Munich
Certified specialist lawyer in labour law, certified specialist lawyer in administrative law, certified specialist lawyer in public procurement law
German, English
After his studies and legal clerkship in Bonn, Speyer and Cologne, Daniel first worked as head of department for human resources development at a German NGO (2006 to 2008). Before joining avocado rechtsanwälte in 2024, he practiced law at Graf von Westphalen (2008 to 2010), KPMG Law (2011 to 2015), BUSE (2016 to 2021) and ASD (2022 to 2023).
Daniel advises public contracting authorities and service providers on all matters of public law as well as public procurement law in connection with the preparation and implementation of public procurement procedures.
Daniel has particular expertise in providing nationwide advice to commissioned agencies and service providers acting in the field of authorities and organizations with security tasks (Behörden und Organisationen mit Sicherheitsaufgaben, BOS), in particular in the implementation of complex award/selection procedures for rescue services.
He is also a member of the editorial advisory board of the rescue services handbook (Handbuch des Rettungswesens) published by Mendel-Verlag, Bochum.
In addition, Daniel has been a lecturer for law in emergency response at the University of Applied Sciences (HAW) in Hamburg since 2010.
Forum Vergabe e.V., Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vergaberecht, Deutscher Anwaltverein e.V., Arbeitsgemeinschaft Verwaltungsrecht (Landesgruppe Bayern), Deutscher Anwaltverein e.V., Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arbeitsrecht (Deutscher Anwaltverein e.V.)
Hadasch, Martina und Bens, Daniel: Bereichsausnahme Rettungsdienst kann auch ohne Privilegierung gemeinnütziger Organisationen oder Vereinigungen im Landesrecht genutzt werden, Anm. zu OLG Jena, Beschl. v. 12.6.2024, Verg 1/24, VergabeFokus, Ausgabe 4/2024, S. 7 f
Hadasch, Martina und Bens, Daniel: Rettungsdienstvergaben: Dank Bereichsausnahme alles ganz einfach - oder doch nicht?, VergabeFokus, Ausgabe 4/2024, S. 2 ff.