Partner / Frankfurt
Certified specialist lawyer in tax law
German, English
Matthias Achenbach advises companies and entrepreneurs on commercial and corporate law, real estate law, insurance law and tax law and represents them in all areas of judicial and extrajudicial disputes. His main areas of practice include out-of-court and in-court representation in damage and liability cases as well as insurance law matters. Matthias Achenbach also has extensive expertise in the areas of directors’ and officers’ (D&O) liability, professional liability and litigation in civil, corporate and tax law disputes as well as association law. He regularly publishes on liability and insurance law topics.
There is a solution to every problem!
He studied law at the Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main. Matthias Achenbach spent his legal traineeship, among others, at an international commercial law firm in Frankfurt am Main and a law firm in Vancouver, Canada. He completed his doctorate on the topic of “Criminal Law Protection of Competition” at the Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main. Matthias Achenbach is also a specialist lawyer for tax law.
Before joining avocado rechtsanwälte, Matthias Achenbach worked for an international commercial law firm in the area of litigation and professional liability in Frankfurt am Main and most recently for a local law firm specialising in intellectual property, liability and insurance law.
Achenbach, Matthias: Strafrechtlicher Schutz des Wettbewerbs? Eine kritische Analyse von Sinn und Zweck der Straftatbestände zum Schutz des Wettbewerbs, Dissertation, Frankfurt, 2009
Achenbach, Matthias: Strafrechtlicher Schutz des Wettbewerbs: Ein Nachweis normativer Fehlregulierung des Marktes, KritV 2009, S. 296 ff.
Achenbach, Matthias u.a.: Haftung des GmbH-Geschäftsführers für die Gesellschafterliste trotz Mitwirkung des Notars?, Betriebs-Berater 2010, S. 778 ff.
Achenbach, Matthias: Anmerkung zu BFH, Urt. v. 25.9.2013 – II R 17/12 (Nachträgliche Erhebung der Grunderwerbsteuer bei Umwandlung einer Personen- in eine Kapitalgesellschaft nach steuerbefreitem fiktivem Erwerbsvorgang) in: Zeitschrift für Immobilienrecht (ZfIR) 2014, S. 339 ff.
Achenbach, Matthias: Notarhaftung – Zur Kausalitätsfrage bei Nichteinhaltung der Regelfrist des § 17 Abs. 2a Satz 2 Nr. 2 BeurkG, DNotZ 2016, 4 ff
Achenbach, Matthias: Die Cyber-Versicherung – Überblick und Analyse, VersR 2017, 1493 ff.
Achenbach, Matthias u.a.: Schimke/Dauernheim (Hrsg.), Vereins- und Verbandsrecht, ab 14. Aufl. (Haftungsverhältnisse/insbesondere Organhaftung)