Partner / Frankfurt, Brussels
Commercial lawyer (University of Bayreuth)
German, English
Thorsten studied Law and Business at the University of Bayreuth. In between completion of his studies and commencement of his legal clerkship Thorsten was working as a research assistant at the professorial chair for Civil Law and Law History of the University of Bayreuth. He earned his doctorate with a dissertation on the legal history of the different forms of action in the exercise of public power during the 18th and 19th century. After completion of his Second Legal State Examination he started his career at the Frankfurt office.
Always think three moves ahead, so you keep ahead of the game.
He advises companies active in the IT industry as well in the the telecommunications and technology sector sector on matters concerning digitalization, IT and IP projects with a focus on cloud related issues. The monitoring and managing of extensive trademark portfolios is also a focus of his activities.
Thorsten Lieb has longstanding experiences in representing clients in IP and IT litigation and arbitration including arbitration proceedings before the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization).
German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property and Copyright Law e. V. (GRUR), Federal Association Digital Business (BVDW), Marketing Club Frankfurt (Mitglied im Deutschen Marketing Verband), Liberaler Mittelstand Hessen e.V., Vereinigung Liberaler Juristen in Hessen e.V.
Lieb, Thorsten u.a.: Beschlagnahmte Fracht, veröffentlicht in: Who is Who Aircargo 2008, S. 17 ff.
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