Partner / Cologne
Certified specialist lawyer in public procurement law ("Fachanwalt für Vergaberecht")
German, English, French
Nils-Alexander Weng studied Law in Freiburg i. B., Hamburg and Dusseldorf and has practiced as a lawyer since 2007. From the beginning of his legal career his area of practice has primarily been Public Procurement Law. The title Certified Specialist Lawyer for Public Procurement Law was awarded to him in 2017. Before joining the Cologne team of avocado rechtsanwälte as partner in 2018 Nils-Alexander helped developing the Dusseldorf office of a well-known business law firm as an associated Partner.
Finding a solution requires understanding the problem.
Nils-Alexander mainly advises public entities during the preparation and execution of national or Europe-wide tendering procedures. Furthermore, he supports companies interested in such procedures at the preparation of requests for participation and tenders.
He represents his clients in legal disputes regarding Public Procurement Law in the Procurement Tribunals (Vergabekammer) as well as the Higher Regional Courts and he has extensive experience in the collaboration with national and international authorities (e.g. the European Commission).
Among his clients are hospitals, health insurances and companies from the health-care sector, museums and state agencies, sectoral contracting authorities (harbours and transportation companies) as well as private and public investors. Nils-Alexander has for instance given comprehensive legal advice during the tendering procedures for high-tech hospitals and medical centres, public buildings (schools and administrative buildings), transportation and infrastructural projects, IT services as well as complex public private partnerships.
Nils-Alexander is a frequent lecturer for different institutions and companies and at several important Public Procurement workshops in Germany. He publishes frequently in his area of expertise and is the co-author of several commentaries.
German Bar Association, Working Group for Public Procurement Law of the German Bar Association, German Public Procurement Network, Forum Public Procurement e.V.
Weng, Nils-Alexander: Zwei bis drei Stunden Lieferzeit sind nicht unverzüglich - das Regionalprinzip im Apothekengesetz, Anm. zu BVerwG, Urt. v. 30.8.2012, 3 C 24.11, VergabeFokus, Ausgabe 3/2024, S. 6 f
Weng, Nils-Alexander: Der Einkauf von Apothekenleistungen - zwischen strengen Vorgaben und dem Druck der Wirtschaftlichkeit, VergabeFokus, Ausgabe 3/2024, S. 2 ff.
Weng, Nils-Alexander: Unterauftragnehmer, Nach- und Subunternehmer - Was gilt es, bei ihrem Einsatz zu beachten?, VergabeFokus, Ausgabe 5/2022, S. 19 ff.
Weng, Nils-Alexander: Die Ausschreibung der Parkraumbewirtschaftung - Diensleistungsauftrag oder -konzession?, VergabeFokus, Ausgabe 6/2021, S. 2 ff.
Schäffer, Rebecca und Weng, Nils-Alexander: Die saubere Vergabe von Reinigungsleistungen, VergabeFokus, Ausgabe 6/2020, S. 2 ff.
Weng, Nils-Alexander: Wann darf ein Bieter mehrere Hauptangebote abgeben?, Anm. zu VK Sachsen, Beschl. v. 24.1.2018, 1/SVK/034-17, VergabeFokus, Ausgabe 1/2019, S. 19 f.
Weng, Nils-Alexander: Der richtige Umgang mit Bieterfragen und Rügen, VergabeFokus, Ausgabe 6/2018, S. 15 ff.
Weng, Nils-Alexander: Der Einkauf von Schulbüchern - Buchpreisbindung vs. wirtschaftliche Beschaffung, VergabeFokus, Ausgabe 5/2018, S. 2 ff.
Weng, Nils-Alexander: Mitautor in Althoff/Esch, Kommentar zur HOAI 2013, Stand: Juli 2016
Weng, Nils-Alexander u.a.: Rabattverträge über patentgeschützte Arzneimittel, PharmR 2014, 85 ff.
Weng, Nils-Alexander u.a.: Rabattverträge mit mehreren pharmazeutischen Unternehmen, PharmR 2010, 324 ff.
Weng, Nils-Alexander u.a.: Es ist soweit! - Der Vorlagebeschluss des OLG Düsseldorf und mögliche Verfahrensgestaltungen beim Verkauf von Grundstücken der öffentlichen Hand, ZfBR 3/2009, 228 ff