German, English, Japanese
Richard studied law at Münster University, Germany, and Niigata University, Japan. He was then employed as a legal research assistant at a medium-sized law firm in Cologne.
During his legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf, Richard worked for the Federal Office for Information Security in Bonn, a media law firm in Cologne and the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Tokyo, Japan, among others.
Richard Kauffmann has been admitted to the bar in 2024. He is specialised in advising national and international companies as well as public authorities at the interface of public and private law.
Kauffmann, Richard: Bedeutung der EU-Drittstaaten-Subventionsverordnung für Vergabeverfahren in Europa, VergabeFokus, Ausgabe 6/2024, S. 16 ff.
Brost, Lucas und Kauffmann, Richard: Der Publikationsexzess im Presserecht – äußerungsrechtliche Relevanz eines strafrechtlichen Randphänomens, NJW 18/2023, S. 1247 ff.