German, English
Victor studied law at the Universities of Bayreuth and Münster with a focus on contract law and dispute resolution.
During his legal clerkship, he worked as a research assistant in a law firm in Cologne specializing in planning and environmental law.
Victor was admitted to the bar in 2020. Before joining avocado rechtsanwälte, he worked as a lawyer in a law firm in Cologne specializing in municipal commercial law with a focus on waste law.
German Bar Association (DAV), Working Group for Administrative Law in the German Bar Association – North Rhine-Westphalia Regional Group
Kuhl, Victor E.: Abgrenzung der Auftragsarten bei der Beschaffung von Außenspielgeräten, VergabeFokus, Ausgabe 5/2024, S. 8 ff.
Schäffer, Rebecca und Kuhl, Victor E.: Das Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz und dessen Besonderheiten im Vergabewesen, VergabeFokus, Ausgabe 2/2024, S. 11 ff.
Schäffer, Rebecca und Kuhl, Victor E.: Was ist eine zentrale Beschaffungsstelle?, Anm. zu VK Leipzig, Beschl. v. 27.5.2021, 1/SVK/004-21, VergabeFokus, Ausgabe 1/2024, S. 23 ff.